U okviru programa „Užice – prestonica kulture Srbije 2024“, a povodom 110 godina od početka Prvog svetskog rata, u Istorijskom arhivu Užice otvorena je izložba „Srpsko vojničko groblje u Alžiru“. Izložbu, koju su priredili Istorijski arhiv Užice i Društvo prijatelja Alžira, otvorio je ambasador Narodne Demokratske Republike Alžir Nj. E. Fatah Mahraz. O čvrstim vezama Srbije i Alžira i nastavku saradnje govorilo se i tokom sastanka ambasadora sa zamenikom gradonačelnice Užica Rajkom Radosavljevićem.
„Užice kao Prestonica kulture Srbije dočekalo je mnoge goste sa kojima je započeta kulturna saradnja, a na naše veliko zadovoljstvo, danas smo domaćini ambasadi Narodne Demokratske Republike Alžir i Društvu prijatelja Alžira“, istakao je zamenik gradonačelnice Užica Rajko Radosavljević. Prema njegovim rečima stotine naših sunarodnika je krajem Prvog svetskog rata, spas pronašlo u francuskim vojnim bolnicama u prijateljskom Alžiru, u kome se nalazi i Srpsko vojničko groblje sa posmtrnim ostacima 324 pripadnika srpske vojske preminulih u periodu od 1916. do 1919. godine.
„Iako su istorijski sukobi izazvali velike nesreće i gubitke, oni su i sjedinili i povezali, čemu je potvrda i ova izložba i naš današnji susret. Neka je slava našim herojima i večno im hvala – čuvamo ih od zaborava“, poručio je Radosavljević.
Izložbu su priredili Istorijski arhiv Užice i Društvo prijatelja Alžira i ona je po rečima ambasadora Alžira Fataha Mahraza, tek početak saradnje koja će biti nastavljena na temeljima čvrstih prijateljskih odnosa dve zemlje.
„Ogroman je značaj onoga što je Jugoslavija uradila kada se Alžir borio za svoju nezavisnost, probijena je francuska medijska blokada, a značajna je i sveukupna podrška kroz borce, vojnu, tehničku i svaku drugu vrstu opreme. Zato je važno da se saradnja neguje i nastavi i da mladi ljudi to isto čine u vremenu pred nama“, naglasio je ambasador.
Uz podsećanje da Alžir nije priznao nezavisnost Кosova i nije podržao Rezoluciju o Srebrenici, Željko Marković direktor Isrtorijskog arhiva Užice istakao je da Srbija zna da ceni i poštuje svoje prijatelje. On je naglasio da je današnja izložba samo jedan od sadržaja, kojima se Istorijski arhiv i grad Užice pridružuju obeležavanju jubileja 70. godina od Alžirske revolucije i da će u novembru mesecu biti organizovan naučni skup u okviru kog će nastupiti i muzičari koji sviraju tradicionalnu muziku iz Alžira.
Marko Jelić, predsednik Društva prijatelja Alžira poručio je okupljenima da je zajednička istorija Srbije i Alžira važan segment naše saradnje. „Кao što Alžirci čuvaju sećanje na naše groblje, tako se i mi sećamo se jugoslovnske podrške njihovoj borbi za nezavisnost. Negde oko 50 hiljada građana Jugoslavije dalo je krv za borce Alžirske revolucije. Samo zajednički i kulturom sećanja možemo da razvijamo našu budućnost i u ovom smislu drago mi je što su pripadnici mlađe generacije danas sa nama jer oni treba da nastave u budućnosti da razvijaju i neguju put kulture sećanja“.
O važnim istorijskim događajima za obe zemlje, trenutnoj i budućoj saradnji u oblasti kulture, ali i mogućnostima za saradnju u ostalim segmentima, razgovaralo se i tokom sastanka održanog u Gradskoj kući.
Izvor: Grad Užice – https://uzice.rs/jos-jedna-potvrda-dobre-saradnje-srbije-i-alzira/
Foto: Grad Užice
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NryPEec5Oo
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99OnYXFYd4o
Another confirmation of the good cooperation between Serbia and Algeria
The exhibition "Serbian Military Cemetery in Algeria" opened at the Historical Archive in Užice
As part of the program "Užice - Capital of Culture of Serbia 2024," and on the occasion of the 110th anniversary of the beginning of World War I, the exhibition "Serbian Military Cemetery in Algeria" was opened at the Historical Archive in Užice. The exhibition, organized by the Historical Archive of Užice and the Society of Friends of Algeria, was inaugurated by the Ambassador of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria in Serbia, H.E. Mr. Fatah Mahraz. The strong ties between Serbia and Algeria and the continuation of cooperation were also discussed during the ambassador's meeting with representatives of the local government.
"Užice, as the Capital of Culture of Serbia, has welcomed many guests with whom cultural cooperation has begun, and to our great satisfaction, today we are hosts to the Embassy of the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria and the Society of Friends of Algeria," emphasized the Deputy Mayor of Užice, Mr. Rajko Radosavljević. According to him, hundreds of our compatriots found refuge in French military hospitals in friendly Algeria at the end of World War I, where the Serbian military cemetery is located, containing the remains of 324 members of the Serbian army who died between 1916 and 1919.
"Although historical conflicts have caused great misfortunes and losses, they have also united and connected us, as evidenced by this exhibition and our meeting today. Glory to our heroes and eternal thanks to them – we keep them from being forgotten," Radosavljević stated.
The exhibition was organized by the Historical Archive of Užice and the Society of Friends of Algeria, and according to the Ambassador of Algeria, H. E. Mr. Fatah Mahraz, it is just the beginning of cooperation that will continue on the foundations of strong friendly relations between the two countries.
"The significance of what Yugoslavia did when Algeria was fighting for its independence is immense; the French media blockade was broken, and the overall support through fighters, military, technical, and all other types of equipment is also significant. Film cameraman Mr. Stevan Labudović and journalist and diplomat Mr. Zdravko Pečar are both very deserving, each in their own way, for the internationalization of Algeria's struggle for independence. This cooperation and friendship have lasted for more than six decades. Therefore, it is important to nurture and continue this cooperation and for young people to do the same in the times ahead," emphasized the ambassador.
Recalling that Algeria did not recognize the independence of Kosovo and did not support the Resolution on Srebrenica, Mr. Željko Marković, director of the Historical Archive of Užice, pointed out that Serbia knows how to value and respect its friends. He emphasized that today's exhibition is just one of the events through which the Historical Archive and the city of Užice are joining in commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Algerian revolution, and that a scientific gathering will be organized in November in Užice, during which musicians playing traditional Algerian music will also perform.
Mr. Marko Jelić, the president of the Society of Friends of Algeria, told those gathered that the shared history of Serbia and Algeria is an important segment of our cooperation. "Just as the Algerians preserve the memory of our cemetery, we remember the Yugoslav support for their struggle for independence. In addition to the multiple support from Yugoslavia to Algeria, it is a fact that around 50,000 citizens of Yugoslavia donated blood for the fighters of the Algerian revolution. Therefore, only together, through the culture of remembrance, can we develop our future, and in this sense, I am glad that members of the younger generation are with us today because they should continue to develop and nurture the path of the culture of remembrance in the future."
Important historical events for both countries, current and future cooperation in the field of culture, as well as possibilities for cooperation in other areas, were also discussed during the meeting held at the City Hall.